Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tarot and I

I've been seriously considering how I want to go about blogging here and I've been thinking about simply drawing a tarot card each day and posting about it here. I don't know if that would be interesting to anyone else, but I would enjoy that.
Being who I am, subject to change without notice, I can't make any promise in regard to this and I haven't cast it in cement yet anyway.
The oddest thing happened a couple of nights ago. I had just gotten ready for bed and was laying there is the dark when an odd green light filled one end of the room. It appeared to be coming from the start button of the Xbox 360. It was even giving off the light in segments like the button is. It was rather bright. Before I could actually get out of bed the light went away. It hasn't been repeated since. I have no clue what to make of that. The 360 was shut off and we had no power surges. I'm not sure what I saw was even possible but I maintain it did happen.
A somewhat similar thing occured a few months ago but that involved a Wii. It woke me up in the middle of the night flashing a bright blue light from the slot where the games go. I did get up and eject a game that was in there and shut the system down. I'm not sure why it did that. It was always left with the game disk in it previously. It was almost as if it was trying to boot itself into the game in it. No one had been using it at all for a day or so. That hasn't happened again since.
Eh, odd things always occur when I am around. I should be used to it by now.

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